Here's the Table of Contents for the latest issue of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter (disclaimer: I'm the editor):
00: Quote(s) from Howard
01: Howard & Willow Visit Bryanna Clark Grogan
02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!
03: "Sunburst Salsa" and "Cancer-Fighting Pesto" Recipes
04: Mad Cow Info Round-up
05: Plants Challenge, 1 Meal Impact, Diet/Smoking, Alzh./Blood Sugar
06: Vegan: Food Pyramid/Marathoner/diet & diabetes, VegNews<Top 50
07: Chopstick Tussle, Listen to the Pig, Cartoons/Video, Veg Codes
08: Merrkats/Apes/Blurring Species Line, Using Rodents in Labs Debate
09: Cancerous River, Enviro./Death, G'Peace Win, Climate Debate Chg.
10: Upcoming Events of Note
11: Howard's Schedule
12: Quick Bytes
13: Closing Thoughts from Howard
Introduction is below, direct link to issue here!
Direct link to this issue:
SUBJECT: 08_14_06: Vegan Food Pyramid, Listen to the Pig, Plant Challenges
Howdy! And welcome to the 53d edition of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter. Special News: "Mad Cowboy: The Documentary" is currently being shown on select PBS stations. You can get the listing for showings at:
Howard's been busy this month. A few weeks ago he and his family left for Africa, and he'll be back in about a week. We're really looking forward to being able to post digital pictures of his journey in the next newsletter.
In the meantime, in this larger than normal issue, there's information about how plants are challenging scientists with their amazing positive impact on human physiology, how even one very saturated fatty meal can negatively affect your arteries, how a bad diet is worse than smoking, and a new possible connection between Alzheimer's disease and blood sugar levels. You'll also find out about the great "Vegan Food Pyramid" graphic/chart/poster that's available on the web, how the back-to-back two-time winner of the world's most grueling marathon is a vegan, and how a vegan diet seems beat medication in treating diabetes.
We've also got some cartoons and a digital video from Dan "Bizarro" Piraro, how new research is blurring the line between species, the Great Ape Project, a GreenPeace notable win, a unique article on how the Climate Change Debate is changing and why the largest private consumer of electricity on the planet (Wal-Mart!) is going green, and why 25 million pairs of chopsticks a years are a major issue between China and Japan.
...and don't miss our extensive Quick Bytes section of articles, two tasty recipes from "No More Bull!" and noted Vegan Chef/Cookbook author, Bryanna Clark Grogan's photo/text blog coverage of dinner with Howard and Willow Jeane.
As always, a tip of the hat to our new subscribers. Y'all can read past issues of the newsletter at:
Finally, heartfelt congratulations to VegNews editor Joe Connelly and his staff for VegNews being selected as one of the top 50 magazines in the country! A well-earned honor.
Mark, MC editor
[rare and recent pics of Howard and ye olde editor: