Wow.... it's been one year since I started my "Soulveggie" blog. The learning curve was tough, and working with TypePad is "sweet'n'sour" at times. However, one of the compelling reasons to use this service is the ability to attach key words to any blog post. That enables a reader to select a "Category" from the key words "Category Cloud" (lower right) to get a listing of all the posts with that key word associated with it. Many thanks to Internet Guru Charlie Lindahl (aka "CyberChuck) for his insightful recomendation that this is a most useful (and necessary) capability. Would that "Blogger" had the same.
As there's a limit as to how many "current posts" can be listed in the Side Bar to the left, I thought it'd be fun to put together a list of a personal "top ten" of my posts (which may change ocassionally). Like chosing a favorite child amongst many (check out August and September 2005). Clearly I was more essay-driven back when I started then (indeed, I have a list of over 55 essays "to write"), but life's circumstances the past several months (moving, caretaking a 150 year old property/farm, various projects) has meant that more of my posts then intended have been links or cites to other articles, blogs, videos, and the like. Still, they seem to be enjoyed by many.
Anyway, I do plan to start writing more essays, though, post some pictures of my gardening efforts (amongst it all.. literally 150 heirloom tomato plants) and various cooking efforts (ironic... owning over 300 veg'n cookbooks there's not a picture of any meal I've made yet). Lofty goals. But, the bottom line is: I'm thoroughly encouraged by the positive and wonderful advice from so many who've contacted me, offered suggestions, and expressed enthusiasm. Because of y'all, this experiment will continue!
...time to go harvest some tomatoes, okra, peppers, zukes, cukes, corn, and swiss chard... harvest a rainbow; eat a rainbow! Best veg'n regards and thanks to everyone, Mark