Latest Mad Cowboy Newsletter (edited) Intro & T.O.C.: "Howdy! Welcome to the 57th Edition of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter. As we enter this new year, we've a couple of surprises for our readers... we've a special "Mad Cowboy Interview" with world famous Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.. An Olympic Gold Medal winner, awarded the Bronze Star for service in Vietname, and top surgeon, Essy has just published his new and exciting book, "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease." Packed with information about heart disease, how he's proven that a totally plant-based diet can arrest and reverse heart disease with a 20-year peer-reviewed study (the longest of its kind), as well as giving us 150 tasty "field-tested" recipes (some of which are in this Newsletter), his book represents a breakthrough in the most serious health matter facing Americans today. In the course of their lives, 1 out of 2 men, and 1 out of 3 women, will experience aspects of heart disease... it is the leading killer of humans in the United States. A few excerpts of the interview are in the Newsletter, the full three-part interview (with subject links) is on the website (address below with said excerpts).
Best wishes to everyone for a Healthy National Heart Month and a Happy Valentines Day! Mark
New issue direct at:
00: Quote(s) from Howard
01: A Mad Cowboy Interview with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.
02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!
03: 3 Heart Safe Recipes from Dr. Essy's New Book!
04: Mad Cow Info Round-up
05: Red Meat/Diabetes, HSFC Dangers, Soy Myths, No T.Fat L.A.?
06: Bad Tap, "Cheap Food," Pork Secrets, Appetite for Profit
07: Cow: -scapes, with guns (new), go mad, -girl
08: Veg Video Watch
09: Bad Act, AR Impacts Farm Bill, Vegan Lessons & Planet
10: Howard's Schedule
11: Quick Bytes
12: Closing Thoughts
"Dr. Esselstyn's solution in "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" is as profound as Newton's discovery of gravity. Half of all Americans dying today could have changed their date with the undertaker by following Dr. Esselstyn's plan." --- Howard Lyman
[some snippets from the Mad Cowboy Interview with Dr. Cauldwell Esselstyn, Jr., author of: "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease:"
C: "... right now we're having close to a million people die of cardiovascular disease every year, and 500,000 dying of heart attacks. For many people [1 out of 4] the first manifestation of the disease is that they suddenly find themselves dead. When you think about the attempt to treat this with, let's say, stents --- stents have a mortality that is accepted at 1%, but 1% of a million stents, which is the number that are done per year in this country, adds up to about 10,000 people that are dying. Now if you had 10,000 U.S. soldiers dying in Iraq this year, that would really be called carnage."
C: "What I was involved with is something that was ridiculously simple: when one looks at the epidemiology of heart disease, and you see that it doesn't exist in cultures where they live primarily on plant-based nutrition, and they have a cholesterol of a range, let's say, of 90 to 150, as in the rural Chinese, it just begs the opportunity to take patients who are seriously ill with coronary disease and have them eat this plant-based nutrition and see if we can't absolutely halt the disease, or perhaps even reverse it."
C: "...the exciting thing is this: we were able to show... that indeed the disease could be arrested and reversed. Let's suppose you have a disease that never before has been arrested or reversed. Then you have several investigators throughout the country, within five or six years, finding the same thing. Really, this disease is kind of a paper tiger. Chronic heart disease is not inevitably progressive, like cancer, this is something that really can be changed, can be changed drastically when you make significant changes in the nutritional profile."
M: "... What happens to the cravings for fat?"
C: "Within about 8 to 12 weeks you've down-regulated the fat receptors and it's no longer an issue."
[You can read the full interview (with embedded links) and downloadable copies of the Interview to Print and/or Distribute at: