Intro, t.o.c., and direct link, to the latest MC Newsletter:
Howard's Holiday Msg., Hummers/Nuggets, Chimp Wits
"Welcome to the 61st Edition of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter!
We've a special holiday message from Howard as well as a significant change to the Vegan Mind-Poser Contest. There's also two great recipes from Robin Robertson's fine new vegan cookbook, "Quick-Fix Vegetarian," new studies about the impact of grains and beans on heart disease, the issues regarding too much sodium in the average diet, and a clear relationship between food additives and hyperactivity in children.
Further down, there's research linking red meat and dairy to a specific cancers, beans lowering cholesterol, and a new report about McDonalds and children's dietary habits. You can also peruse our "Mad Cow Round-up" and "Bird Flu News" collections, read an excellent essay by Bruce Friedrich on Veganism and the Environment, learn just what's under your feet, why it's getting difficult to seperate other species from us, about a "Compassion Over Killing" winning campaign, and then take a break in our "Vegan Digital Theater Showcase."
... and, as always, a tip of the hat to our new subscribers. Y'all can read past issues of the newsletter at:
Best Wishes to All for a Happy New Year!
Mark, MC editor/webmaster
00: Quote(s) from Howard
01: A Holiday Letter from Howard
02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!
03: Recipes from a New Vegan Cookbook
04: Mad Cow Info Round-up
05: Bird Flu News
06: Too Much Salt, Americans Fatter, Kids/Additives & McMktg.
07: Grains & Beans vs. Heart Disease, Dairy/Red Meat=Cancer
08: Vegan Digital Theater Showcase
09: Under Feet, Bird Declines, Gulf Dead Zone, Toxicity Hypocrisy
10: Censored Stories, Hummers/Nuggets, Activist Win, Chimp Wits
11: Howard's Schedule
12: Quick Bytes
13: Closing Thoughts"