Yeah, I know I usually send out something from satellites viewing the Earth on this day (having done work for NASA and knowing where the data is accessible), but this photo I shot yesterday struck me as something special.
It's a rose... still in it's pot ready to be planted when weather/time permits (click on to see larger version). Reminded me of the Sun... you can envision the sunspots/core, the trails of coronal flares and the petals as magnetic fields. An interesting vision and possibly indicative of a very very old saying "as is above, is below." A fascinating time in the year when nature is kicking in big time and accelerating this far North as fast as it can. Earth reborn.
Of course, it could also be the drugs are kicking in (yes Dad, I'm kidding).
For the more metaphysical and whimsical out there...
Happy Earth Day to all... let's hope we survive the upcoming year intact.
Best, Mark... Oh, and help save a planet and the life therein: Go Vegan!