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Amy Croan, MPH

Thank you for sharing some of Dr. Esselstyn's recipes! Once I watched Forks Over Knives a month ago, I've steered clear of meat and dairy. But I don't always know what to make, so I appreciate it. I blogged about it too: http://acroan.com/2012/05/21/is-the-food-pyramid-killing-us/. Will add you to my related reading list!

[Thanks for the feedback! Like your website. Best, Mark]


Dr. Esselsyns new life style change is th easiest and the best thing you can do
For yourself. Honestly, u will feel better and have more energy. I am not kidding , his book read and Start the change .


Dear Reader. What role does sugar derived from sugar cane play in a healthy lifestyle. Thank you!

[My personal non-expert opinion is that sugar, from any source, should be used minimally. The American Heart Association:


Best, Mark]

keith Wyatt

What type of seasoning is good for cooking Veg, beans and potatoes.

[Depends somewhat on type of beans. Oregano is a good catchall, sometimes a little tabasco sauce, ground pepper, cumin is also cool.]


love the 3-2-1 dressing! I am hooked on it!!!

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