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I really appreciate all your effort to compile this listing. As many of my readers I refer are from Japan, I'd like to translate it to Japanese, with your permission.

[Thanks for the feedback. Feel free to use with appropriate attribution to here. Best regards, Mark]


I am interested in this. I do see the benefits of reducing/eliminating saturated and trans-fats, but what about the accepted benefits of small amounts of "good" fats (poly- and mono-unsaturated)? Small amounts can even be necessary in regulating cholesterol, nerve transmission, etc.

I see that you admire the study done where the two doctors reversed heart disease and diabetes. But that was a study on people who already had the diseases. If a healthy person has small amounts of "good" fats, I don't believe that means they will definitely get heart disease.

I agree that it should be greatly reduced, and think I will even cut back my use. But what I'm saying is, there is an established body of knowledge that some "good" fats are necessary, so what if eliminating ALL fats causes other potential problems in the long term? (I'm an everything in moderation type of person, as you can see :) )

[Esselstyn, Ornish, McDougall, and Barnard, all believe you can get enough essential fats by eating real food. Added oil doesn't qualify. McDougall and Esselstyn have explicitedly indicated that moderation "kills."

Oil is a highly processed food-like substance, but it isn't real or natural food, per se. Measurements have shown that even ONE high fat meal affects the elasticity of your cardiovascular system for several hours, so the issue of "one tablespoon won't hurt" I liken to the "last snowflake that causes the avalanche."

You just don't know when it's too much, and as you get older, imho, the risk is higher.

Thanks for your thoughtful note! Mark]


I'm curious - I do see the benefits of greatly reducing fat in the diet, but what do you cook with, if not something like crisco/vegetable oil? Do you use olive oil/canola oil?

[The only time I use oil is lightly greasing the ridges of my electric grill. Other than that, I see no reason to use added oil at all. Sure, you can't fry stuff to crisp (but you can broil and bake). Various liquids work well for sauteeing, and oil isn't essential when making dough for bread or pizza.

Admittedly, it's an adjustment, but quite doable. There are various salad dressings that can be made without oil (Bryanna Clark Grogan uses cornstarch and water to thicken such).

When one realizes that oil is not a food, not a real food, and goes for several weeks without it, you no longer crave the fat (as Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn puts it, "you re-calibrate your taste receptors").

Been doing this for over three years now, it works.

Thanks for your question! Best regards, Mark]

sacredly breathing

Is olive oil bad for you?

[There are many who believe that added oils are not good for your cardiovascular system and contribute to a host of potential health issues (see the "15 Reasons to Avoid Vegetable Oils" post listed also on my "Favorite Posts" sidebar, for more information on this).

Also, oil is not a whole food. Best regards, Mark]


Thanks so much for pulling this research together. It's handy to have all the facts in one place. From now on, I'll be referring people who ask me questions to this list.

[Thanks for the feedback, Susan... I got tired of answering a lot of questions too (a recent one demanding that added oil doesn't promote aging and that she looks younger than she is... yadda).

I thought it might be useful for those of who believe the research (and imho, the facts) that have this available. For me, it was a surprise too, to see it all in one place and documented. Hard to argue against, although some will anyway.

Although I don't like citing the same article/study source more than once in this kind of compilation (McDougall), I don't have time to "fix that" at present. Hope to in the future...

And, for those who haven't seen Susan's blog, check it out. Outstanding (and incredibly useful with other links, too):


Best regards, Mark]

Marina Martin

To add to #9 (diabetes), I'm a type-one diabetic and have consistently found that my insulin needs drop when I follow a low-fat (under 20g/day) vegan diet versus a higher-fat one. It was explained to me that fat can "plug" your cells, making it harder for insulin to reach them, and therefore increasing insulin resistance.

What really hits home for me is how fast I notice this change -- within 48 hours my blood sugar is so much lower that I need to reduce my insulin pump basal levels or risk severe hypoglycemia (passing out).

If there are any other type ones out there, give a low-fat diet a shot - just for a week - and see if you see a difference. (But keep lots of juice on hand!)

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