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Tom Barron

"For me, arguing against added oil or fat in your diet is likened to insisting gravity doesn't exist or that the Sun revolves around the Earth." Did you mean arguing FOR add oil/fat in the diet is like denying gravity or saying the sun revolves around the earth?

In general, you wrote a great post and I heartily agree. My parents and sister seem to be walking the same path your loved ones are and there doesn't seem to be anything more I can do. Frustrating.

Kristen's Raw

Great post! You're right, it's something I struggle with myself when I see loved ones eating their way to death, misery, illness, pain.

I had my cholesterol take a couple months ago (it's 96), and I'm stoked. Healthy Vegan diet rules :)


[Congratulations! Nice to hear others finding out the same thing I have... appreciate your comments.

Best, Mark]

sacredly breathing

I have to agree with you on people suffering from ailments for which they ultimately have control.

The name of your post should be " The price of not being vegan".

[Thanks for the smile your comment gave me! I take a lot of flack sometimes, and it's nice to hear otherwise. Best to you, Mark]

Joanne Mitchell

I know how you feel. I watched my mother die from cancer, a rare type of leukemia. I tried to suggest that a vegan low fat diet could help her but she bristled and said indignantly, "I like meat!" There was no way that she would listen to me. I tried to give her books to read but she chose to believe her own doctor, who said that diet had no effect. I have a Ph.D. in organic chemisty, but she never believed I knew anything about diet. I still feel guilty (10 years after her death) that I was not able to persuade her.

[Sorry to hear that... I lost my mother on Mother's Day when I was young, from breast cancer... that got me researching diet, cancer, and eventually heart disease. All let to be vegetarian, then vegan.

Don't feel guilty! You do what you can, and continue to set a good example to others.

Best regards, Mark]


Great post. I know what you mean.

[Thanks for the feedback, Karen... I hope that if you are experiencing the same situation, it goes well for your friend or family member. Best regards, Mark]

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