Title: 06_23_09: Rip's Recipes, Ask a Vegan, & Largest Red Meat Study.
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Howdy! Welcome to the 66th issue of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter.
In this issue we're delighted to provide a preview of our upcoming interview with the amazing vegan firefighter/author, Rip Esselstyn, in the form of two of his favorite recipes. Rip's the son of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and has built upon his father's remarkable research via some very practical and easy-to-do ways in his diet/exercise/lifestyle book, "The Engine 2 Diet."
Moving on further, we'll note a study indicating that fish oil doesn't help your heart via Omega-3, some new finds about the benefits of broccoli, results of the largest study of red meat eaters in history, and more indications that high-fat food inflames your circulatory system. You'll learn about the "Ask a Vegan" booth in New York, some vegan survival tips, resources for learning about animal rights/issues, and the consequences off going veg for just one day.
Continuing in this edition, we've got some gourmet viewing experiences in our Vegan Digital Theater, some details stats and studies showing that our industry-produced produce is definitely less nutritious than it used to be, some great links about the White House Garden (including remarks by Michelle last week during the first major harvest), and a list of 8 ways to eat locally... some new resource links have been added to "Quick Bytes" and don't miss some of the articles during the "Mad Cow Info Round-Up."
... as always, a tip of the hat to our new subscribers: y'all can browse past issues at the Mad Cowboy Newsletter Archives.
Best wishes for this start of a new summer and may your gardens be bountiful, healthy, and inspiring!
Mark, MC editor/webmaster
00: Quote(s) from Howard
01: A Mad Cowboy Invite to AR2009
02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!
03: Recipes from "The Engine 2 Diet" by Rip Esselstyn
04: Mad Cow Info Round-Up
05: Fish Oil No Help, Brocc Talk, Largest Meat Study, Fat Inflames
06: Ask a Vegan, Vegan Survival Tips, Learning AR, 1 Day Veg
07: Vegan Digital Theater
08: Food Less Healthy, White House Veggies, 8 Ways to go Local
09: Quick Bytes
10: Closing Thoughts
Nice blog- I especially like how you go beyond the usual vegan fare to focus on oil. It wasn't until really got careful enough to eliminate oil that I got the results I wanted. I'll definitely be visiting often.
[Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, it's amazing the amount of oil in many vegan products/recipes. I just saw a "carrot slaw" recipe posted in a Newsletter by a well-known animal/vegan activist organization that had, for four servings, a 1/2 cup of oil (8 TBS) = 28 grams of fat PER SERVING.
Awful.... Best regards, Mark]
Posted by: vegpedlr | 2009.06.27 at 12:35
Hi Mark,
Have tried the mighty muffin recipe? I'm not into baking but might give this recipe a try. I don't eat processed foods very often but this looks like a reasonable option.
[I've done a couple of similar recipes by Bryanna Clark Grogan and from Dr. Esselstyn's book. Probably more of a cookie or a blueberry muffin using oat flour, no salt.
I eat very little processed food, too. Just makes no sense to me to do otherwise.
Thanks for the feedback... Best, Mark]
Posted by: Peter | 2009.06.24 at 20:03