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Nice blog- I especially like how you go beyond the usual vegan fare to focus on oil. It wasn't until really got careful enough to eliminate oil that I got the results I wanted. I'll definitely be visiting often.

[Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, it's amazing the amount of oil in many vegan products/recipes. I just saw a "carrot slaw" recipe posted in a Newsletter by a well-known animal/vegan activist organization that had, for four servings, a 1/2 cup of oil (8 TBS) = 28 grams of fat PER SERVING.

Awful.... Best regards, Mark]


Hi Mark,

Have tried the mighty muffin recipe? I'm not into baking but might give this recipe a try. I don't eat processed foods very often but this looks like a reasonable option.

[I've done a couple of similar recipes by Bryanna Clark Grogan and from Dr. Esselstyn's book. Probably more of a cookie or a blueberry muffin using oat flour, no salt.

I eat very little processed food, too. Just makes no sense to me to do otherwise.

Thanks for the feedback... Best, Mark]

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