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Thanks, Mark, for this list. Your blog continues to be one of my major sources for logical information regarding my vegan lifestyle.

[Appreciate your feedback! Best regards, Mark]


I tried to comment on this before, but I got hit by the Typepad bug. I was bothered by the protein myth being perpetuated , so I went to the blog and commented, which you might find amusing. I commented again regarding her response, I don't know if she'll publish it, I might get blacklisted like you! But I just had to share that I didn't gain energy or performance benefits until I started avoiding foods on that list!

[I sometimes make a comment on one of her posts, but never go back to find out if it was allowed through, or what people had to say, if it did. I do that in general. Don't want to get involved in "comment flame wars."

'Sides... She can also edit them, and I'm still trying to understand why she won't let me link to her blog from my posts if she's so confident of her validity, veracity, and content. Seems should would want the traffic.

In any case, I noticed the same thing about increased vigor and stamina when I didn't worry so much about protein and, instead, focused on diversity at all levels of my diet.

...and I've gotten a lot of e-mail from people who didn't realize how many other non-tofu, seitan, bean, spirulina, etc., sources there are for protein.

Not that one should worry about it to begin with...

Thanks again for your feedback! Best regards, Mark]


Good find, at least there was no mention of the "need" to "properly combine" foods for a "quality" protein, that drives me crazy! How about mentioning whole legumes? Black beans, lentils, anyone?

[Well, I agree... but this issue of "power" and "immunity", then the extremely limited and narrow list of types of protein sources just really put out the wrong message. Hadda respond.

Lentils, legumes... all wonderful. I was, though, surprised at the protein content of grains and some vegetables. Amazing how few people (and vegans) know of this.

Thanks for your feedback... Best regards, Mark]

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