Wow... here's a "vegan" blogger going "whole hog" on promoting added fat (a nutritionally useless non-food, Vegenaise) in your diet, by having the dietary callousness to list 50 ways to add fat to what you eat, labeling this effort "creative and yummy, " and in effect, demonstrating a stunning complete obliviousness to the many heath issues that have been shown to be problematic with all that added fat:
Sure, let's ignore 20 years of peer-reviewed research regarding added fat & heart disease, as well as the American Heart Association's recommendations regarding added fat. After all, you're being "creative" and this is all "yummy." Right?
How bad is this? Vegenaise is 9 grams of canola oil fat per tablespoon (about a half a day's worth of fat from the guy's who've reversed heart disease, Ornish and Esselstyn) and one sixth a day's worth of fat as advised by the American Heart Association. Kat lists fifty ways to ADD FAT (Vegenaise) to your food... Obesity, heart disease, and a host of physical disorders plague society, and she's is advocating adding more fat to your diet 'cause it tastes good.
My favorite is: "50. Eat it with a Spoon..."
That's not funny. It's sad. To Kathy, all that matters is that it "tastes good," regardless of the impact that added fat can have on your cardiovascular system, brain (Altzheimer's,), pancreas (diabetes), and overall health (obesity). Added fat-related disorders are bankrupting health care and destroying the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of people, and she gleefully advocates adding "vegan mayo" to oatmeal cereal for breakfast (#46), yogurt (#14), as a dip for tempeh (#21), with pancakes, (#36), and in sorbet (#37).
Check it out. It doesn't get more ignorant than this. Another "must see" post by probably the most nutritionally misleading and myopic "vegan" blogger on the Internet. And she has the audacity to egotistically self-proclaim her ideas on adding fat to everything but drinking water as "uber-creative." Yeah, right.
I suggest that "uber-oblivious" might be a more accurate description. "Uber-deluded" a close second.
Anyway, have a "healthy happy life." Ignore Kathy's advice at "Healthy Happy Life." You'll live longer, happier, and with greater chanes of avoiding Heart Disease, Altzheimer's, Obesity, and Diabetes. After all, can someone really take the advice of a fat addicted blogger who recommends putting vegan mayo in sorbet seriously?
In addition to Kathy's "creative" uses for Vegenaise being dreadful to one's health, many of them just sound downright disgusting.
Eating a mayonaise analog by the SPOONFUL? Adding it to your sorbet? Stirring it in your morning oatmeal? Uh...
To me, that doesn't sound that appetizing.
[I agree totally. I wasn't going to blog about it, but upon a re-read, it just seemed so amazingly appalling (let alone unhealthy). Her ego is also astounding, believing that all her posts are "must read" and that using Vegenaise in those manners are "creative."
A real taste addiction... think it was the "Vegenaise" in sorbet that pushed me over.
Thanks for your feedback! Mark]
Posted by: Hannah Bruno | 2009.11.02 at 10:22