The latest Mad Cowboy Newsletter is now available. Here's a direct link to the issue: And here's the title, introduction, and table of contents. Enjoy! Mark
"TITLE: 12_22_09: Holiday Msg. from Howard, "1000 Vegan Recipes"
Howdy! Welcome to the 68th issue of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter.
In this year end issue, there's some special treats for our readers. Amongst the spread is a special Holiday Message from Howard, Recipes from Robin Robertson's amazing new opus, "1,000 Vegan Recipes," and Dennis Kucinich explaining what he'd do as dictator!
Reading further, you'll learn about the collision of the military-industrial complex with the vegetable-industrial complex, what Author Foer thinks about PETA and Pollan, and PCRM's new online "21-day Vegan Program" for going veg that starts in January 2010. There's also information about the "dietary estrogens" and illnesses controversy, a study on meditation and heart disease, how plants appear to be socially awareness, new dirt on Monsanto, the best/worst tap water online database, links to 10 essays on vegetarianism by Kaythy Freston, and the top food stories of 2009/the decade.
Also, don't miss our "Vegan Digital Media Theater," where you can watch the amazing Octopus that has scientists scratching their heads, a "Smiling Animal" Slideshow, Rip Esselstyn lecturing at Whole Foods, and 85 minutes of Howard speaking at the Conscious Life Expo in 2006.
... as always, a tip of the hat to our new subscribers: y'all can browse past issues at the Mad Cowboy Newsletter Archives:
Wishing everyone a Happy Holidaze and warmer weather!
Mark, MC editor/webmaster
00: A Holiday Message from Howard!
01: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!
02: Recipes from "1,000 Vegan Recipes" by Robin Robertson
03: Mad Cow Info Round-Up
04: 2 Fat 2 Serve, Diet/Estrogens, Heart Meditation, Veg. Act
05: Dennis Dictator? Veg Zeitgeist, Foer on PETA, Vegan Kickstart
06: Vegan Digital Media Theater
07: Social Plants, Save Food Steps, Monsanto Biz, Best/Worst H20
08: Quick Bytes
09: Closing Thoughts"