Your body only needs about 4 to 6 percent of calories as fat to synthesize what are inown as essential fatty acids. The Life Choice diet, also called the Reversal Diet, is about 10 percent fat, because it proviees more than enough fat without giving you more than you need. It's the excessive amounts of fat and cholesterol in your diet --- that lead to obesity, heart disease, and other illnesses.
You don't need a computer to calculate a 10 percent fat diet. When you eat primarily fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans... and no added oils, that's what you end up with. And that's what your body has evolved to handle.
For most people, a 10 percent fat diet allows approximately 20 to 25 grams of fat per day. [Note: 1 tablespoon of any oil is 14 grams of pure fat.] This "fat quota" will increase or decrease to some degree based on you frame size, gender, and exercise levels, but it's a good place to begin... If you eat some commercially prepared products, then read the nutritional label on the package. Since you want to keep your total fat onsumption per day around 20 to 25 grams, try to choose foods that hae no more than 3 grams of fat per serving. Even less is better."
[Ornish is one of the ONLY two guys to reverse heart disease, and both he and Dr. Esselstyn (independently) provided over 20 years of peer-reviewed research that substantiates their "no added fat" approach. Coupled with Dr. Barnard's research reversing Type II Diabetes through the same "no added fat" diet, it's hard to fathom why some vegans and vegetarians still proudly claim "moderation is king" and that "a little bit won't hurt" when all three experts, plus Dr. McDougall, say that "moderation kills." The faux cheeses, the addition of liquid fat (olive oil), the often fatty meat substitutes --- all affect your circulatory system and cause temporary constriction (this has been measured). The continued assault on your biology via fat eventually takes its toll. But by eliminating the craving for fat, you also eliminate the fuel for plaques to develop (leading to strokes). It's doable --- just takes willpower (the same kind you used, maybe, to go veg?).
Anyway, the above ain't theory, folks, it's based on fact, measurements, and solid research. Besides, oil is not a food, and too many people are oblivious to that reality. Go no-added fat vegan, live longer, be healthier, and drastically reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other diseases.
It's that simple.]
Excellent! Couldn't agree with you more. Why do so many people completely ignore the heart disease reversal of Ornish, Esselstyn and McDougall in favor of some little study that shows some little change in some little number?! Heart disease and diabetes can be reversed! Oh, the looks I get when I mention this. Did you happen to see the web broadcast of McDougall at his latest Advanced Study Weekend? One of his lectures was titled something like "The Fat Vegan", which I presume goes into this more.
[I don't know why... it amazes me, but maybe it's the same avoidance of reality that keeps more people from going vegan or vegetarian. People who use added oil, maintain frying in oil is okay, and pontificate that "moderation is okay or "king"" are dealing with scientific reality, and it's a shame.
Yeah, I take a lot of flack for my positions. It's amazing that my father (with heart issues) although having cut back the red meat, still doesn't get it... Lord knows I've provided enough information, resources, recipes. My step-mom STILL things a lot of olive oil is good. Fine myth that promotes a lousy death.
I'll check out the McDougall broadcast. Sounds interesting.
Thanks much for your feedback! Best regards, Mark]
Posted by: Lance | 2010.01.19 at 17:00