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I also find that implementing faux meats from companies like Lightlife into one's vegan diet help keep one on the bandwagon, ESPECIALLY when, like you said, you were raised on a standard American diet. I am 22, and it took me four years to find the balance that allowed me to enjoy foods I had grown accustomed to throughout my youth without feeling as though I was doing something wrong by rationalizing a slice (or three) of pepperoni pizza, etc., every then and again.

[I've no problem with low fat/low sodium faux meats once in awhile, particularly since there wasn't much (just stuff in cans) when I went veg 28 or 29 years ago (vegan the past 8 or 9 years). Hell, you had to go to an import store to get "yellow" tofu!

Glad to hear you made the leap, and I stand corrected about Field Roast. Thanks for your note and pointing out that one of the products is relatively low in fat.

Best of luck to you! Mark]

Also, Mark, Field Roast has certain meat selections such as their Field Roast Loaves that are low in fat and void of any added oils. Well, LOL, that isn't much of a selection, but I guess ONE counts.

Lance Mateas

See? Consumer feedback does make an impact. I need to follow your example more. I also avoid most faux meat products because nutritionally they are not much better than meat. But they are fun to cook with on occasion, and where my mother is concerned, my sister and I can do great things with soy products that honestly is appreciated by the whole family. That can go a long way. As usual, I love your posts, so keep it up, I am always excited to see new Soulveggie posts in my reader!

[Am flattered... I still do faux meats now'n'then (I've been veg for 28 years, vegan the past 8 or so), as long as they are low fat/sodium AND I make sure I'm still getting fresh veggies and lettuces to compensate.

I did contact the author of that article and she's now intrigued about learning more about Howard Lyman (aka, The Mad Cowboy). Be interesting to see what happens. I wanted to praise her unusually thoughtful work.

Best regards, Mark]

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