The Sublime Restaurant in Florida prides itself on "serving thousands of slices of this recipe to its delighted customers." How ironic that this PETA-related restaurant uses, in this recipe alone, not counting the fat in three cups of non-dairy milk, a full POUND of pure added fat. This works out to at least 40 grams of fat per serving. That's 2/3 of the daily fat limit recommended for a full-grown male by the American Heart Association, and around two times the daily fat limit PER DAY recommended by the ONLY guys who've reversed heart disease (Drs. Esselstyn and Ornish).
Lofty? Greatness? Hardly. Refined flour, sugar, expresso, liquor, non-dairy milk, and a pound of FAT. What a nutritional catastrophe! And the restaurant is so proud of their achievement. Oh, and they tout that their recipes are cholesterol-free.
Remember, there's healthy vegan food that's nutritious, nourishing, and that promotes living a long life with vigor and energy, and there's the direct opposite: Sublime's Chocolate Nirvana Cake Recipe. That the word "nirvana" is used in the recipe title is just added insult to injury.
This recipe caters to and augments addiction to flour, sugar, caffeine, and fat. Hardly "nirvana" and more along the lines of "bad karma." This recipe may be kind to animals, but it kills human animals. Obesity, heart disease, and Type II Diabetes, all invited to flourish with this kind of misguided food mixture.
That's mostly related to what you eat, and it ain't just from meat. Exercise doesn't solve the problem, but eliminating the added fat does. Go no-added fat vegan and achieve true Nutritional Nirvana... your body will appreciate the effort and you'll achieve a truer peace of mind by avoiding a piece of this cake.
That is awful and horrifying and makes my tummy upset. How is this supposed to set a good example for those converting to vegetarian/veganism?
[Exactly my sentiments... it just sends the wrong message. Ironically, there are a lot of vegan chefs who make, imho, the same mistakes of using too much refined flour, added fat, salt, and sugar. It's the primary problem with a lot of mainstream processed foods, and just because you do it vegan, doesn't mean it's healthy.
Thanks for your comment... nice website you have, btw... Best regards, Mark]
Posted by: Callie | 2010.03.24 at 19:37