"Despite fundamental differences in what they represent, there are occasional calls to allow the use of genetic engineering (which produces genetically modified organisms, known as GMOs) within the USDA National Organic Program. GMO varieties are currently most widespread in corn, soybean, canola and cotton crops, in dairy production, and in minor ingredients, such as dairy cultures, used in food processing, but new products are being introduced and commercialized. Here are 10 essential points that I believe show why GMOs are incompatible with organic production:
1. Basic science...
2. Ecological impact...
3. Control vs harmony...
4. Unpredictable consequences...
5. Transparency...
6. Accountability....
7. Unnecessary....
8. Genetic diversity. ..
9. Not profitable...
10. No consumer demand..."
1. Basic science...
2. Ecological impact...
3. Control vs harmony...
4. Unpredictable consequences...
5. Transparency...
6. Accountability....
7. Unnecessary....
8. Genetic diversity. ..
9. Not profitable...
10. No consumer demand..."
Edited from the excellent and much more detailed article from Rodale, here