Interesting list, and not a surprise, in retrospect. Can't help wondering if the people making and/or selling these monstrosities shouldn't be fined, and that money go to cardiac care. As to the "deep-fried Cola," having lived in Dallas, TX for several years in the past, I know that they'll fry anything. Here's the suggest Number One "worst:" a Taco Bell Cheesey Double Beef Burrito wrapped in Jimmie Dean Sausage.
Here's the link to the full list. Thanks go to B.G. (a community manager at "Ranking") for the tip. I was aware of some of these so-called "foods," but not all. With 4.5 billion years of evolution behind us, you'd think we'd do better. But, maybe natural selection will be able to help cull the herd of the people who make eat these things...