This is the actual note sent to me and my response from another POM Wonderful representative trying to send me samples of their products. What's particularly fun is the praise of my blog's layout (admittedly, it's retro... no time to update) and "great posts." The marketing shill never really looked into it in any detail, as I note. I hope more bloggers reject POM Wonderful's attempts to promote their products for reasons documented in the links below.
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 21:47:26 -0400
To: "Wilkins, Ryan" <[email protected]>
From: Mark Sutton <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hello from POM Wonderful!
Cc: [email protected]
Hey there!
My name is Ryan Wilkins, and I work for POM Wonderful out in Los Angeles. I came across your site recently and really enjoyed what I saw! The layout is gorgeous, and you have some great posts :)
I wanted to get into contact with you because I'd love to send you a case of our 100% pure pomegranate juice. After checking out your blog it seemed like something you might be interested, not only due to the health benefits, but also because of all the wonderful things you can make with it.
If you're interested, all I need is your address and I can get you all set up to receive a case next week!
All the best,
Ryan Wilkins
You're shilling trying to push POM on people. You didn't even read the above posts about your company's sleazy activities. A 30 second exercise to find.
"The layout is gorgeous."
Yeah, right. "Great posts." Yes, especially the two above.
I'm posting your e-mail to further point out that POM is engaging in unethical (or immoral) marketing practices. Your company, and owner, have a clear history of dubious business practices, let alone, the animal rights issues you've tried to compensate for with giving away free POM products to unknowing bloggers.
How do you live with yourself?
POM Wonderful
11444 W. Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064
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**If you have any questions regarding the authenticity of this e-mail feel free to e-mail my manager, Andrea Scott, at [email protected]**