Title: A Special Holiday Msg. from Howard, Recipes from Vegan Unplugged!, Mr. Clucky
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"Howdy! Welcome to the 71th issue of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter.
This edition features a special holiday message from Howard! You can also learn about Mr. Clucky, Dennis Kucinich's book, how the food industry wants to change the name "high fructose syrup" (and avoid connections with a study showing how HFS feeds cancer), that a new study shows that organic strawberries not only taste better, but are better for your health. Further on, you'll see some Monsanto backlash, an unusual study about how plants "think" with light, that there was actually a Texas Veggie Fair during the humongous Texas State Fair, more concerns about Frankenfish, and that the oldest Brit is vegetarian.
Don't miss the fine recipes from "Vegan Unplugged!" a unique survival guide and vegan cookbook, quite a few videos worth glomming in the "Vegan Digital Media Theater," how $4.2 billion is being spent to convince you to eat "fast food," and that the Tea Party wants to eliminate "Puppy Mill" legislation. And of course, there's the obligatory "Mad Cow Info Round-Up."
... as always, a tip of the hat to our new subscribers: y'all can browse/search through past issues at the Mad Cowboy Newsletter Archives at:
Here's hoping everyone has a fine, warm, and enjoyable Vegan Thanksgiving with friends and family! Be patient with your non-veg relatives or associations, and set an example by being grateful for what blessings we do have and giving thanks where due.
Best regards, Mark MC editor/webmaster
00: A Special Holiday Message from Howard
01: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!
02: Recipes from "Vegan Unplugged!" by Jon Robertson
03: Mad Cow Info Round-Up
04: HFS Feeds Cancer/Name Chg., US Avoids Vegs, $4.2 Billion
05: Study: Org. Strawbs Best, Monsanto Wins/Loses, Plants Think
06: Vegan Digital Media Theater
07: Tex Veggie Fair, Kucinich Cookbook, Oldest Brit is Veg, Quivers
08: Frankenfish, Mr. Clucky, Pam Anderson, Tea Party vs. Puppies
09: Quick Bytes
10: Closing Thoughts"