"The Engine2 Diet" is former firefighter Rip Esselstyn's best-selling book about a plant-strong lifestyle. As the son of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Rip incorporated not only his Dad's research on heart disease and diet into the book's program, but recipes and a complete exercise plan as well. The comprehensive Engine2 Diet website builds and expands upon this seminal work and is an excellent source of information on Engine2 Diet activites, articles, research, recipes, and several other useful resources (in fact, I've written two articles for them: "Plant-Strong Pizza" and "Plant-Strong by the Numbers").
The Engine2 Team has recently developed, announced and released access to the "Engine 2 Extra" private online social community. This unique website is a real go-to place for advice, support, research, interaction with nutritional experts, and just plain great socializaing, regarding achieving and maintaining a heart-healthy and plant-strong lifestyle. Here's but a short list of some of the many things you'll find on the site:
- Individual and Community Support
- Specialized Groups
- Recipes
- Live Support and Chat
- Recipes
- Member Blogs
- Forums
- Special "members-only" Activities
- Webcasts and Telecasts with some of the best in plant-strong education, such as: the Esselstyns, Dr. McDougall, Dr. Barnard, Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Lisle, Jeff Novick, as well as plant-strong chefs and success stories.