One of the "perks" of having self-published my own cookbook, is that I make the decisions on whom to give complimentary copies to. I enjoy donating autographed copies for worthy causes (any other groups listening?). It's even more enjoyable when I can attend the event itself, meet with the raffle winners, and also get to know a bunch of people interested in a plant-based diet.
The Vegetarian Society of DC (via MeetUp) and Compassion for Animals sponsored a free showing of the marvelous documentary "Vegucated" this recent Sunday in Arlington, VA. I was fortunate enough to be in the DC area and have the time to stop packing for my trip back home for the Winter, to thoroughly enjoy this film with around 120 or more other people. Particularly cool, since I'm a life member of VSDC and haven't been around much the past several years (da Farm and creating/writing the book!).
Moreover, "Vegucated" is an impressive piece of work (and everyone involved should be highly commended for a 1st class effort). Writer/Director/Editor Marisa Miller Wolfson selects three people who've responded to her Craig's List Ad in New York, to be filmed as they go "vegan" for a month. Impressively staged and photographed, the personal growth and understanding of the participants was wonderful to watch evolve over time. Moments of humor over what to eat were laced with the horror of these people beginning to understand more about the terrible way animals are being treated as they are raised and then slaughtered for food (the later was not a major emphasis and shouldn't defer bringing impressionable children to view the documentary, imho). This film covers statistics, medical information, helpful hints, and gives real insight to what veganism is (and isn't). One of the best films I've seen in awhile that takes on the issue of being vegan, activism, and watching the growth of these three individuals was at times, riveting.
Kudos also go to VSDC and C4A for their dedication, hard work, and the incredible array of food and munchies available. The Arlington Library location had a superb parking facility and a fine room in which to meet, mingle, and watch. As Howard Lyman's webmaster and special projects guy (Howard wrote the Foreward to my book), it was also an unexpected delight to see him featured towards the end of this clever and very effective documentary. Highly recommended! Much more enjoyable to watch with like (and soon to be like?) minds and such great company. For me, a special end to several months of healing from an injury (staying in the DC area), and being able to return to marketing my cookbook a few months ago. The experience gave me a lot to think about and I thoroughly loved the people interactions. A special event, a special film, and a special group of people. Couldn't ask for much more (well, a few more of those evil vegan cupcakes...).
Here's some of the photographs I shot that night as a thumbnail matrix with imbedded links. Enjoy!