Still sorting thru all the AR2013 experiences. PETA's campaign to expose the horrific practices on cows and resulting cheese supplies to the California Pizza Kitchen Campaign was something I was totally unaware of (PETA tabled next to my own table where I was selling autographed copies of my cookbook).
I was quite shocked about what was being done to cattle from reading the literature and than, had a neat idea: PETA was pointing out a major problem. What was a solution to people still wanting pizza? Of course, as the author of the FIRST vegan pizza cookbook, I had a solution. I asked one of the PETA exhibitors to take a few photos of me, my book, and their pamplet. Last day of conference, fried beyond belief, I'm still very very proud of this photo:
Here's a summary from their website of the issue at hand:
"Many people are surprised to learn that nearly all cows used for milk are born with tissue that will develop into horns. That's because most farmers remove the sensitive horn tissue or the horns themselves from the cows' skulls using searing-hot irons, caustic chemicals, blades, or hand saws.
One simple solution is for farmers to breed for naturally hornless, or "polled," cows. A single gene determines whether or not a cow will have horns, and this approach has proved effective in the beef industry. PETA has shared this information with California Pizza Kitchen and asked that it require its cheese suppliers to phase out the practice, yet the company has refused to act to stop this horrific suffering."
You can learn more about this heinous practice, see a video, and voice your concerns to the CPK CEO at PETA's webpage for this activism here.